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Thread: "Lift up your hearts, lift up your faces '' Hardcore

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2024

    Default "Lift up your hearts, lift up your faces '' Hardcore

    Hi everyone!

    Please could somebody help me I.D. this tune that I've been trying to find for so long?

    It starts with a male voice saying something like "Here on the path of this fine day" and goes on to say something like "Lift up your hearts, lift up your faces and give birth to the dream".

    I have a feeling it is by Acen or Alk-E-D, but I could be totally misremembering that.

    I used to have it saved on both my Spotify and YouTube, but it seems to have disappeared, and nobody I know seems to have any idea what I'm talking about!

    Any help would be massively appreciated - thank you!
    Last edited by BUNKERHEADZ; 19th August 2024 at 12:35 PM.

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