If I remember right it was advertised for sale on Fantazia's website along with Earthquaker and Holocaust. I'll try and upload the video online if I can, as far as I know, it's not online anywhere, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure why Technodrome differs from different formats.
just found the video to this mix on youtube -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkczD4FyaQk
most wanted IDs - https://sbradyman.angelfire.com/IDclips.htm
let me know if you can name anyover 280 solved
The video on YouTube is not a 'rare workprint' as stated, this is the VHS copy that was sold. If someone can clarify that the DVD version with the two live PA's is the original or is there another that differs from both them.
In saying all that, I personally think Technodrome in Ayrshire, Scotland 1991 was the best all nigher rave and that the video is awesome.
Can anyone ID the very first tune on the Earthqauker video (opening credits before New Atlantic).
If you can and live in UK - I will send you a crate of beer!
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