please please help i can't sleep trying to identify this tune.
cam out about the same time as inner city good life
its got a repeating sax or trumpet that goes (bear with me here)
dat dat dat daa dat dat,
dat dat dat dat daa dat dat
dat dat dat daa dat dat,
dat dat dat dat daa dat dat
each sentence of dat dats above is over 4 beats (more like 8:8 time)
underneath it has a repeating lower sentence (blokes voice) something like "lo_sing my mind, i'm just lo_sing my mind" might not be the exact lyrics
the dat dat dat bit rises for the first 4 dats then down
doh, me(flat) far, tee(flat) so, so,
doh doh me(flat) far ray theonebelowdoh twice
either that was a genius description or you all think i am mad now