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Thread: 4-beat break

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default 4-beat break


    • Jinny - Keep Warm
    • Last Rhythm - Last Rythm feat. Sylvie Carter (Vocal Extended)

    __________________________________________________ ______________________________

    Hi, I'm trying to recall a tune with a 1 bar break from back in the 90s. I don't think it was pre-'93 but I might be wrong. More likely from 93-95.

    I couldn't tell you if this was one of those 4 beat add-ins (four extra beats) that sometimes occur at the end of an intro, or if it was while the tune is in full swing. All I remember is 4 bass hits then a good tune drops or kicks in.

    There could have been a cymbal on top of the bass but I don't think there was any other percussion. It was literally four hits then into the tune. Can't remember a bloody thing about the tune - but three of my friends know the tune because we all used to do a fish slapping dance to it.
    [edit] we did this to the break, not the rest of the tune.

    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by flesh_hacienda; 1st May 2017 at 11:25 PM.

  2. #2


    Long shot...but could it be this...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Jinny keep warm
    (“\(*-*)/”) (((>_<))) (“\(*-*)/”) (((>_<)))

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    LOL Mattylad, that's deffo the dance but not the tune.

    dodgy, good effort on the four beat break... and thanks!!! but it's another tune...

    I really hope it comes to someone, I've been youtubing for years now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    To further any inspiration, I have just discovered a 4 beat break in .....

    Last Rhythm - Last Rythm feat. Sylvie Carter (Vocal Extended)

    It is not the one in my mind, but I share it in case it jogs anyone's mind.

    There are probably a few others, dozens? IDK.

    Please suggest ANYTHING with a 4 or 8 beat break ... some straws to clutch at.

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