Hi, can anyone id ANY of the tracks in these sets please, proving elusive!!
1] Ribbz @ Club Kinetic 1996
[00:00] 01.
[03:35] 02. Dj hyperactive - r-19 [thanks mikewill]
[06:45] 03. Woody McBride - There's Still Time [thanks cthulhu303]
[10:31] 04. The Blunted Boy Wonder - Circuit Sex [NovaMute]
[14:04] 05. The Unknown - Frontier 1 [thanks cthulhu303]
[17:17] 06. Advent - bad boy [planetary assault systems mix] [thanks Burnsey]
[20:52] 07. The Advent - It One Jah (Surgeon Remix) [thanks cthulhu303]
[24:39] 08. Deputy dawg - gunslinger
[29:02] 09. Barcode Population - All Aboard The U.S.S. Severe - A1 [Subvert Records]
[32:13] 10. The Dawg - Dirtbag [thanks cthulhu303]
[35:11] 11. Flux - Loop 6 [Signum]
[39:41] 12. Adam Beyer & Lenk - Untitled (Drumcode 01 - A1)
[41:23] 13. Subvoice - Untitled (SUBV07 A1) [Subvoice Electronic Music]
[44:28] 14. Adam X - Vandalism [thanks cthulhu303]
[47:07] 15. Cristian Vogel - Demolish [Sativae]
here is the link
2] Ribbz @ Tomorrows World 1997
0 mins - jay dernham - temporary relief
4 mins - adonis - no return part 1[advent mix] [thanks kdgood]
9.30 mins -
13 mins - ingo kennedy - state variable
15 mins -sugar experiment station - influence technology [thanks kdgood]
19.30 mins - stephen brown - skyways
21 mins - Norman - coast
24 mins -
27.25 - jay dernham - down size
29.30 mins - DJ Argonic vs. DJ Chich – Pulse Three [thanks cthulhu303]
33 mins - drumcode 05 - tasty bits [a1] [thanks kdgood]
35 mins - the previous - Oneric
37 mins - Inigo kennedy - the knowledge
39 mins -
40 mins -Zzino vs accelerator (cant remember the name off reload recs)
43.30 mins - Sugar Experiment Station - Atomgrad [Scandinavia] [thanks kdgood]
here is the link
3] Ribbz @ Anthology 1997
0 mins - Neil Landstrumm - Praline Horse [thanks kgdood]
6 mins -
10 mins -
12 mins -
15 mins -
18 mins -
21 mins -
24 mins -
26.30 mins -
30 mins - woody mcbride - unlimited [thanks cthulhu303]
31 mins -
36 mins -
41 mins -
48 mins - space djz - tesla [thanks kdgood]
50 mins - jamie bissmire - sympathetic resonance [thanks kdgood]
57 mins - Sapiano & The Party Crashers - Squeeky Clean [thanks choci]
here is the link
4] Ribbz @ Dreamscape 33
0 mins -
3 mins -
6 mins -
9 mins -
13 mins - daniel erbe - take it
16 mins -
19 mins - leandro gamez - la bola [thanks minimal]
21 mins - daniel erbe - showgirls (thanks kdgood)
24 mins - space djs - ak47
27 mins - deputy dawn - dirtbag [thanks poisonhead]
29 mins - pump panel - ego acid [thanks zygotik]
32 mins - smith and selway - move
38 mins - ian void - the wedge [thanks kdgood]
40 mins - gaetek - undecided
45 mins -
47 mins - jamie bissmire - number and measure [chris mccormack mix] [thanks moanerman]
51 mins - umek & ben long - audio 16 (b1)
54 mins - andrew richley - trackman [chris liebing mix] [thanks peuk]
56 mins - space djz - centre field [thaks kgdood
here is the link,
5] Ribbz @ Slammin Vinyl Vs Hardcore Heaven 1999
0 mins - Spaceman - Test 2 [thanks kdgood]
3 mins - envoy - rundown [thanks kdgood]
6 mins - advent - axum
9 mins - gaetek - undecided
10 mins - umek - nodlocnust
12 mins - Roiseux & Lekebusch - Parallel Content
14 mins - umek - cmeda
17 mins - gaetek - outmove
20 mins - DJ Shufflemaster - Elektronique Dweller(Cari Lekebusch remix)
23 mins - subvoice - dynamite voltage
25 mins - steve stoll - observer
28.32 mins - advent - in search [thanks [peuk]
link to first half of the set here
part 2 of the set
0 mins - advent - in search [thanks peuk]
2 mins - underworld - push upstairs [adam beyer mix]
4 mins - smith and selway - arrive [thanks kdgood]
7 mins -
10 mins - leandro gamez - into the future
12 mins -
15 mins -
17 mins -
19 mins- Andrew Richley & Ryan Rivera - Trackman (Gaetano Parisio Mix II) [thanks kdgood]
21 mins - ind-ex - receptor
24 mins - olga jozef - olga jozef 02
26 mins -
28 mins - ben long - potential (umek mix)
here is the link to the 2nd part of the set
6] Ribbz @ Space 1999 - track @ 23.30 minutes in this clip [clip starts at the track]
7) Ribbz @ Deathrow Techno 1997, track @ 43.30 mins in this set
Thanks to everyone whose helped me so far burnsey, zykotik, moanerman, cthulhu303, kdgood, etc im struggling big time on these!!
cheers peeps![]()