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Thread: "They're still playing HOUSE!!!" 1993/1994 track no audio :(

  1. #1

    Default "They're still playing HOUSE!!!" 1993/1994 track no audio :(

    Well I'm hoping you vinyl ninjas will make light work of this one - famous last words.

    Only heard this once before on a Kiss FM mix in 1993/1994.

    It is the same flavour as those 'Let there be House' tracks (The Creator etc) in that there is some mad gospel preacher dude doing his mad preacher thing. This track though was talking about how the first thing kids do is play house, and then he rants and raves and concludes that even now they are all grown up they are 'still playing HOUSE!!' and then a thumping monotonous acidy groove kicks in. When he says 'House!' he is proper screaming by then.

    Sorry for the pretty shoddy description but it was a long time ago and I only heard it the once - reading the 'Let there be House' thread reminded me of it and it was absolutely banging if I recall correctly (which I possibly don't )

    Just thought it could have been played a fair bit due to it's similarity (in a good way).

    Any early takers on this one ??

    Cheers all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Sunny Oswestry


    Hiya mate

    Green Velvet - Preacherman

    Top tune this

    YouTube - ‪Green Velvet - Preacherman‬‎


  3. #3

    Default Bingo!

    Adam - can't thank you enough!

    Not just for what was just a top stagger down memory lane but also for providing me with hard evidence of having some kind of memory left gotta love that!

    And you're not wrong - belter of a tune if you ask me.

    Thanks and best


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