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Thread: Old Labryth Bleepy Classic-Somebody Has To Know This

  1. #1

    Default Old Labryth Bleepy Classic-Somebody Has To Know This

    Here's a second crack at a tune Adrian Age used to play at Labrynth in 91-92. The track I am after was a bleepy sounding affair which sounded incredibly like something Nightmares on Wax were putting out at the time or indeed anything on Warp in the early 90s.

    Sound clip one is my poor attempt at the main riff of the track which is 2 bars (8 beats) long.

    As I am a bit out of tune, sound clip two is of Tonto's Drum. The bell sound that starts at 22 seconds in is very similar to the first bar (4 beats) of the riff of the track I am after.

    Fingers crossed fellas, I am sure somebody out there must know this. I have never gone to this much effort before but I really want to nail this one.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    first thing that comes to my mind is dr phibes - acid story. but i suppose you knoiw that one, and it's no bleep techno but new beat so...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Model808 View Post
    first thing that comes to my mind is dr phibes - acid story. but i suppose you knoiw that one, and it's no bleep techno but new beat so...

    Cheers Model808, this was a really good guess and I can see why you thought of this considering my feeble effort at re-playing the chords. The track I am after is far more melodic than my effort actually sounds. If you can picture the first bar of the bell sounds in Tontos Drum with the second bar of my keys played with the bells in Tonto's Drum you are there. That must sound so nuts but hopefully will see the method in my madness!
    You definitely got the right idea though but the one I want is lighter and very similar to Dextrous in terms of the instruments, the general feel of the track and the crispness of the notes (although much,much better in my book).

    Any more ideas please?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Taking a wild guess at Jokers, The (5) - The Jokers
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  5. #5


    Thanks Dara but no this is not the one. Any more guesses please?

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Dara View Post
    Thats what i'm getting now also it must be surely

  8. #8


    for some reason i'm getting 2 unlimited get ready for this.. sorry!!! too much turkey maybe

  9. #9


    No I am afraid that it is definitely not the original Tricky Disco, but now that you mention it the hook is very similar to this but with less bass. I suppose it is possible it is a remix or another Tricky Disco track. Cheers for the suggestion Dara/Meltdown which probably gets us closer to how the original sounds (ie: the notes similar to my attempt in the Tricky Disco sound.

    Waybackwhen, I don't know what you have been putting in your Christmas pudding mate but I can assure you that 2 Unlimited is definitely not a possibility

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    No I am afraid that it is definitely not the original Tricky Disco, but now that you mention it the hook is very similar to this but with less bass. I suppose it is possible it is a remix or another Tricky Disco track. Cheers for the suggestion Dara/Meltdown which probably gets us closer to how the original sounds (ie: the notes similar to my attempt in the Tricky Disco sound.

    Waybackwhen, I don't know what you have been putting in your Christmas pudding mate but I can assure you that 2 Unlimited is definitely not a possibility
    sorry dude! too much port!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Dara View Post
    Cheers Dara, but no not this one. By the way, what's this? I recognise the sample but for the life of me don't know what it is called. the track I want is a lot more like Tricky Disco than this.

    Thanks again for any suggestions. You lot have helped me find the name of so many unknown gems in 2007, a lot of the time by just listening to your unknowns and rediscovering tracks I had long given up hope of finding.

    Happy New Year and keep up the sterling work in 2008.

  13. #13


    2 things that spring to mind, but don't think it could be......

    Techno Grooves Mach 3- Concerta di Techno
    Nexus 21- Self Hypnosis

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    The last clip I posted was B Sides - The Tape.

    The one below is F-X-U - The Scheme

    Haha. I'm on a mission now.

  15. #15


    Cheers SCR101.5 but it is not Nexus 21 which I have but you are on the right lines. I am trying to find a soundclip of the other one you mentioned.

    Dara, thanks and you are on the right lines but it is not FXU.

    In case this may jog a few memories, it has just occurred to me that the track I want is similar to Rob Mello's Fantasize(clip linked below). It doesn't have the same keyboard riff but the sounds used and the general style of the track remind me of this track a lot. So if you imagine the keys in the Tonto's Drum track played with the instruments from Fantisize (not the bass) you would have a pretty good idea of how it sounds.

    Rob MELLO/LUKE SOLOMON aka THE DIGITAL KID/FREEFORM FIVE/C++ aka JOSHUA - Rob Mello's No Ears Mix (sampler)

    Any more ideas anyone please?

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