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Thread: Carl cox - success in effect mash up

  1. #1

    Default Carl cox - success in effect mash up

    Carl cox mash up with "let the bass kick" & "lets do it". Does anyone know who did the origianl "lets do it"? I'm thinking Let the Bass kick was the one by 2 for joy. Is that right? I know Urban Shakedown did a "lets do it" tune, but I'm not convinced that the mash up used that record. Did it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Wotcha fella - top ep that love the flip too - Neon - Dont mess with this beat mixed with Quartz - Lets get busy

    Cox used some Musto/Bones breaky tune which I need to track down combined with the piano from Landlord - Blow out dub alongside the "Lets do it/Let the bass kick" vocals which I cant remem were from the Bones/Musto tune or elsewhere

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The Acid House


    I have a tune produced by bones on Forth Floor Records from 1990 that uses 'Let the bass kick' and was produced by Frankie Bones - i am not 100% certain but this is the track that I think Carl Cox nicked the sample from.

    That tune is called is by The Break Boys and is either Underground Breakdown or the flips side 'my house is your house' - can't remeber which one now and I can't find the plastic.

    Any way it is a tune worth getting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by coffee
    I have a tune produced by bones on Forth Floor Records from 1990 that uses 'Let the bass kick' and was produced by Frankie Bones - i am not 100% certain but this is the track that I think Carl Cox nicked the sample from.

    That tune is called is by The Break Boys and is either Underground Breakdown or the flips side 'my house is your house' - can't remeber which one now and I can't find the plastic.

    Any way it is a tune worth getting.
    Nice one Tim aye the vocal of let the bass kick is deffo nicked from Break Boys - Your house is my house (which is a wicked tune as is the flip which is a nice megamixey sampling thing)

    The underlying breakbeat track on success & effect with the lovely whooosh-whoosh sound is deffo nicked wholesale from a Musto & Bones tune... Dangerous on the dance floor (or a mix of) perhaps ??

  5. #5
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    . . . . the suburbs of AM★DAM . . . .


    This is the original version Success And Effect - Freeze / Roll It Up (On Top)

    I don't think it is Dangerous On The Dancefloor, more likely it's All I Want Is To Get Away, it have that same Landlord piano riff . . .

  6. #6


    Got this on W/L always thought it was: Success n effect - Let the Bass kick
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  7. #7
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    . . . . the suburbs of AM★DAM . . . .


    I asked the man himself on Discogs (Frankie Bones) and here is what he had to say :

    Author Message
    15-Apr-04 07:47 PM
    @BONES, Carl cox - success in effect mash up question...
    As asked on Old Skool Anthems page . . .
    15-Apr-04 08:17 PM
    Re: @BONES, Carl cox - success in effect mash up question...
    i know its also sampled by strike- 'u sure do'

    'lets do it'
    15-Apr-04 11:56 PM
    Re: @BONES, Carl cox - success in effect mash up question...
    I could'nt log in....BUT..."Bass Kicking Beats" is the mix of Sucess-N-Effect on ON TOP. It was that record which I played at ENERGY on August 26, 1989 @ 6 A.M.
    to 25,000 people which caused a chain reaction in breaks history....I GAVE CARL COX my extra copy & the only other DJ that had one was LENNY DEE who gave his spare copy to NJOI....who did work on Carl's "I want you forever"....KAOTIC CHEMISTRY did the mash-up version on MOVING SHADOW (#3?)..."Let The Bass Kick" with huge chunks of multi-edits played in a more obvious choppy D&B style...I would imagine this is the one.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Dunno yet


    Quote Originally Posted by IAN
    Got this on W/L always thought it was: Success n effect - Let the Bass kick
    Yep thats the one basically break boys - my house mixed with landlord - i like it (blowout dub) with xtra beetz and tone loc`s "let`s do it" snippet
    Classic tunee (I have a spare too )

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