Track starts at 1 Hour in...
With the lyrics 'Ello Ello, Ello Ello, Oh Way Oh'
Anyone know?
Track starts at 1 Hour in...
With the lyrics 'Ello Ello, Ello Ello, Oh Way Oh'
Anyone know?
Lol this one always gets requested...
No worries mate, it was an ID of mine in the past. ;)
I'm trying to write a tracklist for that Ben T Dream Splash vol 6, but there's a couple of tunes on there which are bugging me... that Ultra Nate - Free remix, which I have a feeling is a bootleg, with the pella placed over another very recognisable song (which I can't fucking remember lol) and also the pizzicato track which kicks in at around the 39 min mark.
There's some proper goldies on those Splash tapes... I'm listening through them all atm.