D.I.Y mixes
Hi guys :D
I have put this on old skool anthemz as well
Has anyone got any old diy jack, pezz etc mixes for sale or swop... I cant find them anywhere.. Ive got jack at obsession and castlemorton but there are more out there....... Any info would be great:wave:
I have a DIY Pezz from Castle Morton.
Unfortunately only on mini disk at the moment.
Working on getting it converted to MP3 and hope to have it done by end of next week....
Dunno how to upload it to a file sharing site yet, but sure i could learn.. :crazy:
just found a DIY jack live at caberet vottaire on tape.. Again need to convert to MP3. Perhaps the week after next for this one...
Thanks mate,
Im right up for that, i have got a ton of them now that i can stick on a cd for ya
Hi Fingerbob
I'm presuming you've got your hands on these already as it's a pretty old post. If not though there are a few of them avaliable to download here
MySpace.com - AnGuS - 99 - Male - UK - www.myspace.com/strictly4groovers
Njoy !