View Full Version : FAO Christian

25th March 2003, 09:22 PM
Here ya go Christian, here's that tune you wanted i.ding!!

Angelus Project - Come on (http://www.splattdesigns.co.uk/biskit/ang.mp3) :thumbsup:

26th March 2003, 11:33 PM
Alright Biskit,
Unfortuanetly it aint the tune I was looking for mate,its gonna be an obscure by the looks of it this.Its a very nice tune though and I may well be tempted to get it anyway.The vocals on the one I'm after are sang by a male (which I should of noted!) but thanks alot for your time and help!!I've been onto you for abit about this,so I'd like you to know I'm very grateful.I'll try an get a clip put on the site for this and some more underground tunes from 90/91 off the same Monroes tape,struggling working out how at the moment.Take it easy mate and cheers again,