View Full Version : 1991ish house

3rd May 2015, 05:32 PM
If anyone can help with these I'd be very grateful. Some of my favourite rarities that still come into my head frequently even after 20 years. Unfortunately it will take copy and pasting the links into the address bar but I will try and sort direct links out.
Thanks in advance for your efforts

Sunset Radio gem
Sunset radio 1 piano 91ish (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/qxqq9yx10osgzq8/Sunset+radio+1+piano+91ish.mp3)

Zone Piano breakbeat pearl WAX FACTOR-CAUSE
they don't make em like this anymore 91ish PEARL (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/ydch3jq708t1sl9/they+don%27t+make+em+like+this+anymore+91ish+PEARL .mp3)

Early DJ Welly hard piano tune from Monroes
welly monroes 91 heavy duty piano gem (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/6r8a6g2589yh269/welly+monroes+91+heavy+duty+piano+gem.mp3)

DJ Welly Monroes 91 underground piano classic (would appreciate whether people could say if this sounds more UK than Italian too)
welly monroes 91 underground house pearl (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/jg37c9xozcboibr/welly+monroes+91+underground+house+pearl.mp3)

1991ish QUALITY underground piano breakbeat EXCELLER 8- CAN YOU REACH

quality underground piano house 91ish (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/5ilr1k21x3kqlbf/quality+underground+piano+house+91ish.wav)

Uplifting piano house 'oooh baby'
piano belter ooh baby 92ish (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/j0oyghiytd20q6y/piano+belter+ooh+baby+92ish.mp3)

1992ish Sasha underground/progressive house gem
'now do you believe' hardhouse 92ish sasha (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/6wryekbxv30bwk3/%27now+do+you+believe%27+hardhouse+92ish+sasha.mp3 )

a big thanks for your time and efforts

3rd May 2015, 06:09 PM
Zone Piano breakbeat pearl is

Wax Factor - Cause



I forgot how bloody good that tune was till I just dug it out, surprised I found it so easy ;)

3rd May 2015, 07:19 PM
Your an absolute star groovesection :thumbsup: A mighty thank you indeedy ;) What a tune, its one of those that I played on tape and wished I'd have had the pleasure of dancing to in a club. That's a solid underground stomper, much appreciated pal. I've got it on order straight away

3rd May 2015, 07:25 PM
quality underground piano house 91ish


3rd May 2015, 08:49 PM
Fantastic shamanixx :D Just ordered a copy now. superb ID's, can't believe they've been picked up so quickly. I'm very appreciative :thumbsup:

Can anyone help with the others? The DJ Welly Monroes 'underground piano classic' has to be the best I've heard.

29th May 2015, 08:00 PM
Got a few from these wants but still in need of a few more. Would be grateful for any more efforts, these are from my most sought after :D Thanks for your time and efforts :thumbsup:

14th September 2019, 12:20 AM
if any help could be given to I'D the tunes left over here, I appreciate it greatly. still rattling around my head 20 years + on!

21st September 2019, 09:15 PM
Sunset radio 91: hookline and singer - nightime (rumour records)

21st September 2019, 11:07 PM
ADT1974, that's a superb I'D mate, top man. gonna get it on order, 20 years+ that ones been a fave.

If anyone can help on the others I will extremely grateful, in particular the welly tunes. thanks all for efforts.

16th April 2021, 11:51 PM
Been a long while but hopefully some fresh ears to clock the tunes missing on this listing. Big thanks in advance for any help, they still haunt me.

17th April 2021, 09:49 AM
you'll get more listeners if you upload them to the site like this


the last one is Quest - Now Will You Believe

17th April 2021, 04:03 PM
you'll get more listeners if you upload them to the site like this

Word :thumbsup:

17th April 2021, 04:03 PM
Ohh, just seen this is a vry old thread bumped LOL

18th April 2021, 12:30 AM
you'll get more listeners if you upload them to the site like this


the last one is Quest - Now Will You Believe

Fantastic Brady, I'm delighted with that, been stuck in my head for years and never thought I'd find out what it was. Cheers for uploading them will look into how it's done. It was a old post but the tunes haunted me again yesterday, so I thought I best try again. You made my weekend a very happy one! Top man.

16th March 2025, 12:21 AM
Been searching for these for too many years, any help appreciated

16th March 2025, 09:14 AM
welly monroes 91 underground house pearl
= Sound Assassins - Let Me Hear Ya

16th March 2025, 05:54 PM
Welly’s heavy duty piano gem is on this: https://www.discogs.com/release/570668-Hallucogen-10-Transformation-EP