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View Full Version : victoria secret black Friday jordan black infrared 6

27th November 2014, 10:45 AM
I was looking for a lightweight rain jacket for the spring/fall weather, and am so glad to find this jacket. After reading the review, I wasn't sure whether this jacket actually run true to size, so I ordered both XS and S in two different colors. It turns out this jacket does run true to size (I'm a size XS.) I LOVE the green/white color combination; however,victoria secret black Friday sale (http://www.eaglesnestoutfitting.com/victoria-secret-black-Friday.html), the white/blue color is also equally lovely. SO,air jordan 6 black infrared (http://www.failefoundation.org/jordan-6-infrared-black.html), I decided to keep both even though the size small one is a bit too big for me, but since winter is coming I figure I could wear the size small one and layer up before the true New England winter hits. After wearing the jacket two days straight in the rain, I find that it's truly great for semi stormy weather; however, I haven't yet experienced heavy down pour with this jacket yet.
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