View Full Version : Theme From "The Racoons" LOL

16th January 2003, 12:36 PM
I think I should know this one, but I've been trying to remember the ID for a couple of weeks and I'm getting nowhere :'(

The sample is from a 1991 Vertigo tape, but I've heard it played out before by other DJ's. I remember it being a "big tune" back then so I reckon someone should be able to nail it :thumbsup:

It's a catchy tune alright, with a bloke's voice (kinda chanting) "To be or not to be, to be or not to be. That is the question, that is the question"

If anyone's old enough to remember "The Racoons" (the cartoon where an evil fukker called Cyril Snear kept trying to destroy the evergreen forest with factories and stuff) this tune sounds like a remix of the theme tune LOL :D

I've upped a sample here:

VA017 - To Be Or Not To Be (http://www.vinylanimal.btinternet.co.uk/oldskool/samples/unknown/va017.mp3)

And to compare, the Racoons theme is here....

The Racoons Theme (http://www.vinylanimal.btinternet.co.uk/oldskool/samples/temp/racoons.mp3)

The samples are mono so as not to exclude the 56K'ers ;)

As always, any help much appreciated !!! :king:

16th January 2003, 12:46 PM
That's Acts of Madmen again I think, I ID'd it on another thread last week. Called "The Dream" if I remember rightly.

16th January 2003, 12:58 PM
Lol. It's deffo Acts Of Madmen - The Dream. Massive warehouse tune. The only reason it's sounds like the racoon theme is your recording is so bad. It doesn't sound like that normally.

16th January 2003, 01:00 PM
Actually on second listen they are a bit similar.

16th January 2003, 01:47 PM
Massive thanks for that gents :thumbsup:

I knew I should know the bugger - I've got it on a bootleg that's why it's so familiar :D

Was doing me fookin head in LOL :axe: :axe: I've been through me collection over and over looking for it - never thought to check me bootlegs :$

Cheers gents !!!

** VA toddles off to try find the bugger ** :D

16th January 2003, 03:53 PM
came up in conversation last week this, not the tune but cyril sneer...the raccoons were well raccoons but what type of creature was cyril and the others..was it his grandkids or something who were friends with the raccoons..

16th January 2003, 04:02 PM
i'm glad the acts of madmen doesn't really sound like that as that sample was quite disturbing! Does anyone remember another cartoony type tune that sounded like yogi bear saying "eeerrrr let's er take it from the top man" and a werid beat with kinda xylophone noises came in. v strange

16th January 2003, 06:36 PM
Jesus Rich, me and you are hunting the same tunes at the same time, 1st Alex T, now 'The dream'

Check (http://www.pianoheaven.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13216)

16th January 2003, 06:40 PM
my old man was one of the animators on that cartoon

17th January 2003, 01:32 AM
Vinyl, seen as its your thread, i'll let you take it off Skippy's hands, thats if he can eventually part with one of the copies! lol:D

I'll keep mi eagle eye out 4 another copy!!:|

17th January 2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Biskit
Vinyl, seen as its your thread, i'll let you take it off Skippy's hands

Very honourable Biskit fella ;) It is a bit wierd though init LOL I'm gonna think of a shite tune, write it down and give it someone else. You do the same and if it's the same shite tune we'll call in them ghost bustin' fella's :|

Skippy - done :king: You after swapsies or hard cash mate :confused:


17th January 2003, 10:49 PM
lol canane be bothered to read all thru bit cyril sneer was an ardvark if i remember rite

hence the snout

soz if this has been said allready

23rd January 2003, 09:46 AM
if any1 gets this Acts Of Madmen on mp3 can u pm me plz? am on cable to itd be quick to send it..
/me wants...


25th January 2003, 01:52 PM
thx man :)