View Full Version : Mr Ste Hux/ Sweets

21st November 2002, 10:22 AM
Ste been listening to your pumping tunes CD

Whats the track that samples 'that sweet sensation'

with a big bouncy driving beat and a 'jaunty piano' ?!;)

Havent heard it for years! Its a beauty, although I think I have heard a version without the vocal sample before?

THanks guys!


ste huxley
21st November 2002, 12:07 PM

Ed if you mean that Pump the Funk CD, then its

Trotters Independent Traders - Vol 5

22nd November 2002, 06:14 PM
Yeah thats it Ste!

Thanks a lot.

Is it a bootleg? Easy to get hold of?
Are there a few mixes about? It has been going round and round and round and round all week.

Top CD bye the way!

Get it for Christmas Kids!:drum: ;)

ste huxley
22nd November 2002, 11:05 PM
No its not a boot its one of those cheeky house cut ups, I'm not sure if theres another mix, there may be cos they do loads of stuff

Its quite rare but you could get hold of it for about 15 quid I reck

24th November 2002, 02:27 PM
Cheers Ste.

Had it hammering out in the gym this morning, nearly lost the plot.....:$

Great great tune!