View Full Version : Newish Vocal/Piano House Stomper

19th November 2002, 02:38 PM
been hearing this for a while, last couple of years?

In my pissed state leaned over the DJ box on Sat and I think it said either

Prairie Dogs or Prairie cats (was dead pleased at the time, got pissed forgot the detail, damn!!!)

Its got a real house vibe, woman belting the vocals out, piano great rush -

Can anyone id it please its a beauty!!

21st November 2002, 10:19 AM
No-one know this one?

Come on come on, want it for Christmas!!:king:

21st November 2002, 01:34 PM
Praise Cats - Shined On Me mate

Theres the bini & martini club mixor esmoove vocal mix

Get em off kazaa and that no bother......

Or if not i got the esmoove mix

Get it on vinyl well easy as well and its also on subliminal sessions 3 mixed by erick morillo

22nd November 2002, 06:12 PM
THats wicked John thanks a lot mate!

A tune indeed!