View Full Version : 10 years and no ID
29th October 2002, 03:06 PM
BLINDING WEB SITE, Now to the important question.Once upon a time i bought a GRAEME PARK tape1991-1992 time(hacienda).On it were classics like=charles b[lack of love],extortion[how do u c me now],brother makes 3[i wanna]corina[now that ur gone] .I think u have the jist of it now!Well it started with a blinder i cant get id'd.Driving piano or synth led with almost xxx rated female lyrics,sounded american or italian(classy production not tacky!) NO LONGER HAVE THE TAPE,HOWEVER these r the lyrics i can remember; FROM VERSE:Dont stop now,let me get on top.Pump it hard Pump it hard,I'm nice and hot.OH yeah dont u dare stop,dont stop dont stop. CHORUS;Everything in lifes a chance,we throw the dice and then we dance.We toss and turn,our bodies sweat.Will u remember what i cant forget.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Can u id this.HELP ME OBI KENOBI YOUR MY ONLY HOPE!!!!!!:confused:
Red Mancunian
29th October 2002, 07:46 PM
lol welcome womble, I can almost guarantee that someone here will be able to help ya.
But it's not me, sorry. :S
29th October 2002, 08:54 PM
Alright Womble, is there any chance you up a sample??
You're description is a bit all over - Driving piano or synth led and sounded american or italian
I cant really place the lyrics -
FROM VERSEont stop now,let me get on top.Pump it hard Pump it hard,I'm nice and hot.OH yeah dont u dare stop,dont stop dont stop. CHORUS;Everything in lifes a chance,we throw the dice and then we dance.We toss and turn,our bodies sweat.Will u remember what i cant forget
But some one is bound to get you're most wanted eventually!! :thumbsup:
30th October 2002, 02:20 PM
CHEERS for the welcome guys, Unfortunately i dont have the tape so theres no sample for ya! The tune must have been a favorite of parkys ,cause it started the set.Plus theres not many tunes of this quality with explicit lyrics.Usually they r either tacky or american with camp vocals.All my other info is the tape was green with a pic of a stick man on it,it started with SAID tune ,then went into charles b[lack of love]then brother makes 3[i wanna]etc.The tune itself was pure house with a driving suptle piano and as it mixed with charles b it had a short backward effect[like a tune played at the same speed backwards].SORRY FOR THE ESSAY,BUT THIS IS ALL I CAN TELL YA FELLAS. THANKS FOR TAKING TIME TO READ MY QUEST. PS ANY ONE KNOW GRAEME PARK??? IF it helps i could probably name about 15 tracks off tape,they were all classics:mad:
30th October 2002, 04:49 PM
I recall a track out on SWe-mi taht had similair lyrics
Travelling Virgins "f**ck taht pussy"
30th October 2002, 05:09 PM
Travelling Virgins?? I did have this, not sure if I still have tho. I'll have a look for it tonight.
30th October 2002, 05:34 PM
30th October 2002, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by wildpitch
Travelling Virgins?? I did have this, not sure if I still have tho. I'll have a look for it tonight.
Nope. It's not that. Not too many vocals in it other than "F@@k that pussy"! There is a male rap type thing in one of the mixes too. Shame it's got all the dodgy vocals in it as an instrumental would be well nice.
31st October 2002, 01:19 PM
Sorry abotu that.
I thought it may have been Nu RO - Shes a nymphomnaia. Having checked it i snot even close.
I need to check if it is either of these
Dace "Tech" nICe - a track of the Hysteric Oydessy ep (not sure of it's titel)
Neu DAnce - Don't put it in my face (or some suc hnonsense)
I will post has soon as I have checked (as a penance for being way off with the Travelling Virgins tip!!!)
31st October 2002, 03:11 PM
I've just come back from my local record shop,where i asked for a travelling virgin.BUT they just threw me out!!KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK,I APPRECIATE IT.;) Its so close i can almost smell it!!!
31st October 2002, 03:35 PM
This isnt that 'Ronette' track is it?? :confused: I havent actually got a copy, but some1 on here will have, it'll av to be confirmed!!
31st October 2002, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by RipleyPillwall
Sorry abotu that.
I thought it may have been Nu RO - Shes a nymphomnaia. Having checked it i snot even close.
I need to check if it is either of these
Dace "Tech" nICe - a track of the Hysteric Oydessy ep (not sure of it's titel)
Neu DAnce - Don't put it in my face (or some suc hnonsense)
I will post has soon as I have checked (as a penance for being way off with the Travelling Virgins tip!!!)
Newro - Tune...
3rd November 2002, 04:05 PM
Welcome aboard womble mate :drum:
I've no idea I'm afraid, but massive respect to the boys for getting stuck in :thumbsup:
3rd November 2002, 05:01 PM
NICE ONE VINYL, Yeah you've gotta be impressed with the knowledge of them.Some times ya think your looking for a needle in a haystack,then BANG theres the I.D you were looking for.And then its the buzz of scouring the country like a coiled cobra trying to find it!! VINYL,U GOTTA LOVE IT AINT YA!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
5th November 2002, 03:11 PM
NEU DANCE dont put it my face ,DAVE TECH NICE hysteric odyessy e.p ,ronnette ???????? , can anyone confirm any of these?I have tried myself but can't find them!!BISKIT Do u know the title of the RONNETTE track u think it could be?My search engines just throw up the sixties group RONNETTES and i know it's not them,cause i've got all their albums!!!!:guitar: THANKS in advance .;)
5th November 2002, 03:19 PM
Providing I can find it I'll have a look for the Hysteric Oddysey EP tonight. Can't remember anything other than Nasty off there, at least I think that's what one of the tracks was called.
17th November 2002, 10:47 AM
Could this be CANDY J'hurt me hurt me' as I've heard it's a bit of a classic.Can anyone confirm or deny this for me?CHEERS IN ADVANCE;) HEAR THE DRUMMER.....GET WICKED:drum:
17th November 2002, 11:25 AM
Thought I'd updated the thread, it isn't Hysteric Odyssey.
17th November 2002, 12:01 PM
Cheers for checking anyway mate;) CAN anyone else throw some ideas at me ,Cause i can feel it slipping away from me:'(
18th November 2002, 04:11 PM
I forgot to get back to you (sorry)
I checked at it wa none of hte tunes that I suggested...
18th November 2002, 04:31 PM
NO PROBS,Cheers for looking any way;) .I know it's a long shot,but someone knows this tune cause it was HACIENDA and 1st on the tape by Graeme park,and theres not that many raunchy tracks the guy plays with a tape full of CLASSICS!:phones: THE HUNT GOES ON!!!!:eyebrow:
20th November 2002, 02:42 PM
sounds like a Lords Of Acid tune but cant remember the title
:mad: :mad: :mad:
21st November 2002, 04:32 PM
Thanks for the new lead FUZION;) I have checked a few out but no luck yet.Most are harder than the track mentioned,which was more housey.(although they r all explicit and on the right track).FEMALE VOCALIST sounds similar though!Will try and listen to some more of their stuff.If the title comes to u in the meantime drop me a post ,CHEERS :ghost:
27th November 2002, 04:32 PM
Well I've checked out about 20 lords of acid tunes,but no luck.They are mostly(and frankly disturbing).The track i want was explicit but not tacky!And she almost spoke the words,over the house choon.And defo wasn't an accapella:hole: IF anyone has any graeme park hacienda tapes from 91-92 have a listen,It was the first tune and charles b 'lack of love' mixes into it.Cmon fellas solve this one for us...............................DON'T MAKE ME BEG!!!!!
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