12th March 2012, 12:07 PM
Hey guys!
Got in touch with Mach One recently who sent me a link to this set, he said the following
'check this out, just heard it, I didn't know it got released, so first time, some phat tunes in there !
could do with a track list.
: )'
Some amazing tracks. - Mach One @ Helter Skelter 'Best of Both Worlds' - 8.7.95 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOjwMzjhJDU&fb_source=message)
All ID'd now! Amazing!
[00.00] System 7 - Alphawave (Plastikman Mix) [Butterfly]
[11.10] Formic - Quinaldine Blue [Re-Load]
[15.13] Inner City - Ahnonghay (Dave Clarke Mix) [Music Man]
[20.50] Subjective - Low Fundamental [Re-Load]
[25.38] Frank De Wulf - Moribund [Music Man]
[29.14] The Advent - Bad Boy [Internal]
[34.29] Dave Clarke - Winter [ACV]
[39.57] Encephaloid Disturbance - Chromium [Dance Opera]
[40.58] Encephaloid Disturbance - Anaesthetic Influx [Dance Opera]
[46.44] Pulseman vs Sineman - Ninjahead [Frogman]
[54.30] DJ Misjah + DJ Tim - Access [X-Trax]
Got in touch with Mach One recently who sent me a link to this set, he said the following
'check this out, just heard it, I didn't know it got released, so first time, some phat tunes in there !
could do with a track list.
: )'
Some amazing tracks. - Mach One @ Helter Skelter 'Best of Both Worlds' - 8.7.95 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOjwMzjhJDU&fb_source=message)
All ID'd now! Amazing!
[00.00] System 7 - Alphawave (Plastikman Mix) [Butterfly]
[11.10] Formic - Quinaldine Blue [Re-Load]
[15.13] Inner City - Ahnonghay (Dave Clarke Mix) [Music Man]
[20.50] Subjective - Low Fundamental [Re-Load]
[25.38] Frank De Wulf - Moribund [Music Man]
[29.14] The Advent - Bad Boy [Internal]
[34.29] Dave Clarke - Winter [ACV]
[39.57] Encephaloid Disturbance - Chromium [Dance Opera]
[40.58] Encephaloid Disturbance - Anaesthetic Influx [Dance Opera]
[46.44] Pulseman vs Sineman - Ninjahead [Frogman]
[54.30] DJ Misjah + DJ Tim - Access [X-Trax]