View Full Version : Recca CD March GT

sweet sensation
20th September 2002, 08:24 PM
Just put this little beauty on and theres an amazing tune on there which I prob should know, but I dont so heres my description....:crazy: ;)

Start off a bit trancey....then a guy sings

"the bottles are all empty, the potions gone, colours promised like the dawn, it just wont carry on. I leave the empties on the doorstep, to be filled by time, is he a wizard or a teacher, is she a friend of mine..."

Then top bit of organy sounding music....awwww this is a lurrrvely tune......:heart: :drum: :phones:

Hope thats enough :thumbsup:

Big cheers in advance cos this is a beauty :D

Sweet xx

20th September 2002, 08:59 PM
not got the tune in question to check

but is this (i think its called) lionrock - packet of peace

20th September 2002, 09:01 PM
yep deffo
lionrock - packet of peace
decontruction i think

20th September 2002, 09:02 PM
I agree with Doolz, defo - LIONROCK - PACKET OF PEACE

sweet sensation
20th September 2002, 09:12 PM
Lol !! Cheers fellas :thumbup: funnily enough I was on the phone to Tonksi and played it down the phone to him and he ided it too !!! :p :cool: :phones:

Youre all just soooo top !! ;) ;)

20th September 2002, 10:06 PM
I have a copy of this I'm willing to part with, if anyone wants it, let me know!!!

21st September 2002, 02:28 AM
tis indeed lion rock - packet of peace, thought ya might have known that 1 sweet!!


sweet sensation
21st September 2002, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Mike
I have a copy of this I'm willing to part with, if anyone wants it, let me know!!!

How much ?????

sweet sensation
21st September 2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Recca
tis indeed lion rock - packet of peace, thought ya might have known that 1 sweet!!


Alrite, alrite, dont take the piss.....!! :p :o ;) I know it now tho, wont forget it again :D