View Full Version : Mekanica

Dj Britalian
7th February 2002, 04:56 PM
Anybody heard of a tune called Mekanica,

It has them famous lyrics:

Into the night people gettin ready, you can feel the change comein on!


7th February 2002, 07:33 PM
Was that Silvia Coleman? - That rings a bell for some reason. Mind you, the pella has been used to good effect many times since then.


ste huxley
7th February 2002, 08:36 PM
The original vocal is Nicole - Rock the house which I'm sure you know already. This 12 had a pella on it, thats why its been sampled to death. But its such a great vocal that I could never get sick of it!

Tunes its been in are

Silvia Coleman - Into the night (Old Italo 91 track)
2 Amigos
and theres been loads of remixes of Rock the house, loads and loads

Its probs been sampled in others as well. I havent heard of Mekanica tho I'm afraid sorry mate.

7th February 2002, 11:43 PM
Hehehehe, the sample has been used once or twice !!

Nothing with the name "Mekanica" springs to mind though mate, sorry :)

8th February 2002, 12:43 AM
it's TFO - Mekanika (DJ Movement Italy) from '92 ?????

8th February 2002, 12:02 PM
Mind you Brady at www.vinyl4sale.co.uk used to have a copy for sale on 12" vinyl

Im not sure if hes still got it though

hope this helps

