View Full Version : Last Rhythm

sweet sensation
15th September 2002, 01:52 PM
Right, was listening to an old tape the other day, dont know who the djs are cos its one I mixed it up myself, from a variety of tapes (as you do !! :axe: )

And theres a mix of Last Rhythm on there thats really good, its a much mellower version of it..I'll have a go of describing it....

doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo,.......yeah right youre really gonna get it from this !! then Last Rhythm normal tune kicks in, but slower. Its really confusing me and grad, cos we cant tell if its 2 tunes or not, cos its also mixed with Co Imperial..:confused: :crazy: :confused: it also has some lovely piano in it, slow like !!

Maybe I should do a rip ??? What you reck ??!!

Help !!!! :crazy:

Sweet xx

15th September 2002, 02:15 PM
There is a mellow ambient mix of 'Last Rhythm - Last Rhythm', might be best doin a rip!! :spin:

15th September 2002, 03:55 PM
I happened to rip all the versions I have the other week (10 or 12 mixes I think)...so if you figure out which mix you want or if you want em all anyway gimme a shout.


15th September 2002, 05:30 PM
If I was a betting man I'd put money on this being the First Rhythm bootleg by Pin Up Boys. The Do It Yourself mix is a mellow version of Last Rhythm with extra piano over the top. Unfortunately it's pretty rare.

16th September 2002, 10:39 AM
I've put a streaming mp3 up for you here..it's low rate so should be fine for everyone..

last rhythm (http://www.grad.dsl.pipex.com/lastrhythm.m3u)


16th September 2002, 10:47 AM
Yeah it's deffo Pin Up Boys - First Rhythm, Do It Yourself mix

sweet sensation
16th September 2002, 11:18 AM
Cheers everyone, thought it was gonna be the Pin Up Boys by your description Jonno :thumbsup: but got grad to put a rip up just to be sure ;)

So its pretty hard to get hold of then is it ?? :S :(

Sweet xx

16th September 2002, 11:40 AM
It's one of those tunes that you just don't see copies knocking about. I've just had a quick look on Netsounds and there aren't any there. That said I got mine off Pauly P on this site, which was handy.

For what it's worth the cat# is PIN 001.

sweet sensation
16th September 2002, 12:07 PM
Cheers Jonno :thumbsup:

Pauly P has some tunes dont he :phones: I bought / will be buying off him. Where is he btw he aint been on for a while has he ?? :(

Sweet xx