View Full Version : Tune ID [Sample Avail]

14th August 2002, 07:32 PM
OK guys... here's my first sample. ID would be nice and any comment about the quality ect.

Vertigo1 ID (http://www.btinternet.com/~fugjostle/vertigo1.mp3)

Don't worry butty the vinyl slayer.. this is just a tester, if it all works out I'll post all my id's onto the site and make one post ;)


ste huxley
14th August 2002, 09:58 PM
Aww Fug mate this has been on my wants list for years, no one knows it

What a tune tho:cool:

14th August 2002, 11:34 PM
hmmm I think I might have this (maybe) cos I put winamp on random play the other night and Im sure it played a tune that sounded very similar to that 1, well I remember it had that feel the vibe feel the bass rap in it anyway because I thought eh thats the sample thats in foul plays feel the vibe tune...
If I come across it (I cant even remember which folder I grabbed the mp3s from at the mo) I'll tell you both..

15th August 2002, 09:06 AM
Nice one Jaz.. cause in the words of steh 'what a tune' ;)
