View Full Version : Okies,heres another...

18th July 2002, 08:52 AM
This place *RAWWKS*I've got names of tracks I thought I never would,cheers to all!
ok,this 1 was from around 90/91,its got a digital sqaull,as the main instrument,you'll have to use your imaginations here,as its real hard to replicate in text...but..its a lil like DooWooOOOOOO
DooWHHIIiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr,as in,it goes from a high to a low frequency,then in the middle it breaks down to a filtered soft piano and has a black guy saying "We can make it!"...around 3 times,then kix back into the squall,but this time its transformed,
Doo Woo OO OO O O,Doo WHH IIii iiii iiiiirr rrr rrr,I know its a bit :ghost: but...I've got me fingers crossed it will ring some1's bells...

Geezzz...I hope my shrink never finds this forum...I'll never convince him I dont need therapy if he reads the above :mad:

18th July 2002, 08:54 AM
er could be

orr some - we can make it

18th July 2002, 10:05 AM
ZEROXED by ZERO ZERO (Kickin Records) It contains a 'We can make it' sample!!

18th July 2002, 01:50 PM
actually looking at the description agaion i reckon biskity is right

18th July 2002, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by CybaSmuggla
Doo Woo OO OO O O,Doo WHH IIii iiii iiiiirr rrr rrr

Lolololol classic description CybaSmuggla mate :thumbsup:

Can't believe you've got 2 suggestions and one of em sounds positive :D

Tell yer shrink to put that result in his pipe and smoke it hehehehe ;)

19th July 2002, 05:53 AM
Thx animal,it only sounds hald as stupid as it looks with me sitting infront my PC recreating it aurally :fekked:
Cheers biskit,I'll see if I can dig that 1 up and have a look...