View Full Version : Fantazia

12th July 2002, 11:26 PM
u might be able to sort this for me as u no ur Maximes stuff...
im pretty sure this was off a Maximes tape and seeing that other post i thought ill give it a try

theres no vocals at all
its just typical dancey beat, with a piano riff over it, but it slows down in the middle gettin slower then totally stops, then comes back in again

total wild shot in the dark i no, but u might have an idea of any tune that does that.....

if not thx anyway :p

12th July 2002, 11:47 PM
Could it be 'AWESOME 3 - HARD UP' (AMPM RECORDS) only a guess, you just never know!!
If you have been able to here it from the beginning, then a couple of minutes in it says...
'COME ON, THOUGHT THERE WAS A PARTY IN HERE! Then piano kicks in!:rotate:

13th July 2002, 11:27 AM
Sounds like Slo Moshun - Bells of New York, where the piano slows down to a sort of hip hop and sax bit in the middle, then winds itself up again..................possibly.

Catch yerz laterz,
