View Full Version : Rude Boy

6th July 2002, 01:51 PM
Reet, I have been told this one before by Mr Huxley but it was after GT and I dont remember!!!

Its an old skool tune-a-roon with a horn style (sorry, I know that dont give much away!!) and fem vocals saying "do you really love me?, do you really love me ooooooooo-oooo-ooooo"
Juts before the horn bit a bloke says, in Ragga dub style something like "Come in rude boy"

RJ played it just before EQ - Total Ecstacy on feb 2nd at GT.


8th July 2002, 04:40 PM

Tonksi, Ste says you know this one???????

29th July 2002, 04:19 PM

ste huxley
7th August 2002, 01:06 AM
Tim I think your on about

Pyscotropic - Hypnosis - SL2 remix

That has the come in rude boy bit, but I dont know about them vocals, but that track does have some vocals but I can never make them out.

Summat like, 'Feel our love your lonely':S

ste huxley
7th August 2002, 01:08 AM
lol Those vocals sound a bit like yours! Ha hahahaha

So I reck its what I said

Its on Euphoria Rave Vol II, check my site for updates, plug plug:phones:

7th August 2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by ste huxley
lol Those vocals sound a bit like yours! Ha hahahaha

Noice one ste fella, your a star cos Id given up on that fekker!!