View Full Version : Can someone ID this most delicious piano riff?

ste huxley
28th June 2002, 10:33 AM
Right this sample is from DJ Scott Piano madness, there is a particular piano in it that I cant identify, and I need it. My Katie reckons I've got it but cant remember what tune it is.

Its the piano in the breakdown going can u feel it, b4 it kicks back in again to the slightly cheesy bit


piano riff (http://www.btinternet.com/~burrnrates/stepianoid.mp3)

:phones: :phones: :phones:

oldskooldazed (al)
28th June 2002, 11:08 AM
ste ive had a listen - aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ive heard it on loads
pianoman cained that sample - and its similar to economix ep

lol what cheese though - too modern sample for me if ya know what i mean


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

28th June 2002, 11:36 AM
The riff was originally played on the tune by...
NILS BOOPH & THE PIANOMAN - VOL 1 (Music is my life)

ste huxley
28th June 2002, 11:40 AM
Thanks guys

Now I know Jaxx has this on w/l, but he wont sell, anyone any ideas where I can buy such a beast?

28th June 2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by ste huxley
Thanks guys

Now I know Jaxx has this on w/l, but he wont sell, anyone any ideas where I can buy such a beast?

i have it mate wud b up for swapsiein

ste huxley
28th June 2002, 11:54 AM
Yeah I would Butty so youve got

Nil Booph & Pianoman Vol 1?

What you after?

ste huxley
28th June 2002, 11:56 AM
PS Its not Revelation, I've got that one

Its the one with Music is my life on apparantly, cheers

29th June 2002, 09:52 AM
Its also very similar to the Music is my life sample used in Pianoman's "Cast a Spell" just at a slightly different pitch.

ste huxley
29th June 2002, 03:09 PM
Thanks peeps:cool: