View Full Version : Blaises Tape Middlesbrough Tune ID3
22nd August 2005, 10:33 PM
Me mate has recently converted an old ravey tape from a night club in Middlesbrough back in the early 90's & i would like to know the tunes of the following choons please if anyone can help. There's quite a few.
22nd August 2005, 10:50 PM
Me mate has recently converted an old ravey tape from a night club in Middlesbrough back in the early 90's & i would like to know the names of the following choons please if anyone can help. There's quite a few. (that one makes sence - where's the edit facility!)
24th August 2005, 10:45 AM
I think this ID has been on Italiandance too!!
The tune deffo sounds Scottish and very much like early The Time Frequency stuff.
I did e-mail Jon Campbell from TTF, but got no reply. The "new" TTF website has been "coming soon" for Months and Months!!
Andy Picko from North East Club Chat may well know it.
8th April 2006, 05:10 AM
Jon Campbell production/RMX
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