View Full Version : some unknowns..

19th June 2002, 07:53 PM
anyone used to listen to 'sunset 102' around '93 ???

i've got a tape by a dj called sammy b from that era.there's afew on there i don't know,here goes:

1. vocal progressive type tune '93 ish that says:
"educate the narrow minds they feel what they wanna feel...
what they feeeel"
could be a mix of gennaside II - narra mine ???
sounds like k-klass vocalist.
2.very upbeat trancey tune,again '93ish.maybe german?
has a vocal which sounds like 'i knew you as
brandy layo'...'wondeful human beings'.
3. kind of housey tune with a saxophone riff.has the vocals:
"i'm missing you,i'm missing you,come back come back...
..come back and be miiiine" repeated over a organ/piano
type sound.
4.slowish progressive type tune with piano part at end.has
the "feels so good" famous vocal in it like THK-feels so good.
also has a bloke rapping 'get down don't mess around,the
rhyme is over an' this is my sound'

these next ones are off different tapes

5. from john j @ the limelight.a pumpin houser that has the 'don't
stop' sample in from rosso barrocco-do do don't stop:
then it has another vocal in it,quite high pitched:
'you -know -i -do -feel-it!
has a galloping bassline if that helps
6.probably quite obvious as i've heard it various places.has a
couple of vocal samples:
'you're going insane' and 'yeeeeeesssss maaaannn (in ragga
has a nice synth noise bassline,then goes off into what
sounds like: 'it's a good time to get ya,'it's a good time to get
ya,it's a good time good time..it's a good time good time"
it probably says '...i'm gonna get ya' though.

that'll do for now,i bet nobody gets these but i'll be chuffed if someone does,i know there's talent in all you spotters!!!!!!
do your best!
mikey :guitar:

19th June 2002, 09:18 PM
The last one is most likely to be Messiah 'Youre Going insane'. Bit of a suprise track really on the record!.........

See ya,


19th June 2002, 10:03 PM
cheers marra you're a diamond!
mikey :phones:

19th June 2002, 10:09 PM
1st one is probs genaside II - narramine

20th June 2002, 12:25 AM
Hehehe I have that same Sammy B show on tape.

LOL not much feckin help am I, but thought I would mention it.

italian style
20th June 2002, 09:55 AM
long shot but i think the third tune might be
ultra nate - deeper love


20th June 2002, 02:31 PM
to everyone who replied to this.you've got the ones i was after the most,especially 'resistance d'......for those who have it,need i say anything more about how good it is !?!?!?!?!?!
cheers again people!
mikey :guitar:

20th June 2002, 03:14 PM
None of them ring any bells with me mate, sorry :(

Is good to see eveyone giving these their best shot though :thumbsup: If anyone deserves their unknowns ID'ing its you mate :D

Gud luck !!!!