View Full Version : Over 70 of them

17th June 2002, 07:52 PM
Ive asked this before but there are a few new members now so I am giving it another go.

It fast oldskool beat, lyrics "Over 70 of them inside one man, ecstacy..M-Mdma"

Ive got a Sy tape from Vibealite with him playing it, but when I asked him what it was at GT....He didnt fekkin know!!!!!!!!

21st June 2002, 02:44 PM
Yeah I wanna know this one as well, it has some samples in that sound like they come from a newsnight type documentary e.g "The government warned today of the unprecedented threat posed by the drug ecstasy"
It also has a very similar synth riff to Spectrum - Brazil, but it's a breakbeat track from 92.
Have been asking about this for ages - someone must know it!!!!

oldskooldazed (al)
21st June 2002, 03:06 PM
mike w ya sly git is that u

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

21st June 2002, 03:46 PM
yes m8, been meaning to join here for a while, bored at work today so i decided to make the effort.......

22nd June 2002, 04:26 PM
Aye, its driving me nuts. Dont you know it Al fella??????

23rd June 2002, 08:51 PM
the tune you require is.....

The Moog - Rush Hour (Jungle Muffin EP Delirious Recordings DELIS 2)

you can dld an mp3 here : http://www.futurity.co.uk/music/

23rd June 2002, 09:40 PM
Cheers m8 have been looking for that one for years!!!! and I knew Jungle Muffin as well, got it on a compilation...

23rd June 2002, 10:19 PM
Lol - just downloaded it and it has the funniest samples of a cabbaged MC on ever... "MAKE SOME NOISE!!" "WICKED!!!"

24th June 2002, 11:08 AM
Nice going tek9 mate :thumbsup: Welcome aboard :D

Welcome an all Mike :D Another one of Al's buddy's eh - I take it that means ya luv ya tunes :p


24th June 2002, 11:16 AM
VA, it's welcome back m8, Tek9 has been here since July 2001 :p

24th June 2002, 09:16 PM
TOP one tek9 mate, been searching for the name of that mutha for a while.
