View Full Version : 4 Mikey - Mr Zone

13th June 2002, 10:26 AM
:D Mikey, (or anybody who can help)

These were regularly played Zone tunes (circa '92/'93)
All I can tell you about them, is a certain lyric that was in each of them.

Tune 1 - DROP THAT GHETTOBLASTER (Italian me thinks!?!)
Tune 2 - GET READY FOR SOME FIREWORKS (British me thinks!?!)

Tune 1 is on 'Zone 2nd Birthday', correct me if I'm wrong.
I know 'Tune 2' used to get caned by Matt Bell. If I remember rightly, it's on the tape, 'Zone NYE '93/'94' with MC Breeze rappin' over the top!!

Know 'em? Help us out Mikey!!

If you get 'em, I've got a few more comin' your way!!!!:jumpin:

13th June 2002, 12:01 PM
i'm not sure of the first one,but i know it's really rare,i've asked about it on here before.someone told me it's called 'dimentia-say yeah',but i've never found it anywhere to be honest.it sounds italian though.if u have any joy and u find a copy,let me know the details.
the second one is:
gyr-8 - get ready
it was just a white label,not a bootleg though,it had a proper cat.no. don't see that one too often though either.....you're picking the rare ones mate!
mikey :phones:

13th June 2002, 12:30 PM
:thumbsup: Thanks Mikey,
I thought I was a trainspotter/anorak, but you seriously do know some of your classic piano/italian tunes.
:) I've got loads more 4 you to ponder on! I'll keep ya posted!!

13th June 2002, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by mikey
the second one is:
gyr-8 - get ready

This one got a formal release as "Get Ready" by Kelly G (flip to a crap tune called "Teach Me") on Paparazzi Records.

It's exactly the same tune - caused some right fukkin confusion it did :axe: :axe:

13th June 2002, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by biskit
:thumbsup: Thanks Mikey,
I thought I was a trainspotter/anorak, but you seriously do know some of your classic piano/italian tunes.
:) I've got loads more 4 you to ponder on! I'll keep ya posted!!

lol we have anoraks on here that wear duffle coats OVER there anoraks :)

ive said it b 4 il say it again best bunch of id'ers n e where on the net hat off 2 every one of em (we need a hat off smiley)

14th June 2002, 07:28 AM
:rotate: Too right butty!
Thanks again VM!!!