View Full Version : Cheesily obvious but annoyingly forgotten.....

12th June 2002, 10:16 PM
Dead obvious and infact I probably/maybe have it but the damn name is not coming out of the dark chasms of my ever dwindelling brain sauce.......

Lyrics (presumably from a sample) :

I wanna see the sunshine after the rain,
I wanna see bluebirds flying over the mountain again....
I wanna see silver lining, shining at the rainbows end.


Put me out of my misery..I know someone if not all of you know this one........

12th June 2002, 10:22 PM
New Atlantic...............whoops sorry, Berry - Sunshine

See ya,


12th June 2002, 10:27 PM
Thats the one.....I feckin knew it!!

NICE ONE M8! being festerin the hell out of me for days... ;)

1st July 2002, 09:27 PM
It was originally released with the quality breakbeat version under the name U4EA!

Which then became U4EA ft Berri and then for a full commercial release became Berri! Just how many times did i see that song performed live on stage in Liverpool! Mustve taken it about three years to get in the charts! LOL

DJ Leekee

ps what did new atlantic have to do with apart from being on the same label??

1st July 2002, 10:42 PM
i've got it somewhere

didn't paul elstack ripp it too

1st July 2002, 10:50 PM
As far as Im aware (havent investigated much), Berry is the same/new name for New Atlantic. Yes. I know its a shock, but Im over 85% sure its the same band or most of the band. Infact, come to mention it, I think it got initial radio play as New Atlantic and a few of the realeses had New Atlantic mentioned somewhere either in the promo sheet or on a ikle sticky label on the sleeve (I dont know 'cos its 100% pure cheese for me & I never baught it). Perhaps Im wrong, but I wouldve bet on it if i was a gambling man.

'Into the Future' and 'I Know' were much better............if it is NewAtlantic that is. I saw them (so called 'live') at Blackpool once when my mates opted for a cheesey nightclub next to federation(?) :) heheheheh. OK, enough cheese references, Im only kiddin if you like it.

See ya,


1st July 2002, 11:06 PM
checkout for sale section