View Full Version : Graeme Park Hacienda, Autumn '90

3rd December 2004, 02:57 PM
Putting these up as a favour to someone. Chap they're for knows the 3rd one already, but I want to know it meself & he couldn't remember the title but thought the artist was Summer of Love, so I thought I'd put it up anyway :)

3rd December 2004, 03:13 PM
i rekon if u email graeme park..he may know :D

3rd December 2004, 03:44 PM
Havent a clue Noel :(

The first one sounds like an Indie Dance effort, possibly a JR Remix?

The second one could be a disco track,possibly Italian. Its similar to Jago.. :S

3rd December 2004, 03:45 PM
The second one could be a disco track,possibly Italian. Its similar to Jago.. :S

Its top as well :thumbsup:

3rd December 2004, 04:56 PM
Nice tunes aren't they. :)

The first one sounds like an Indie Dance effortThat's what i was thinking....

3rd December 2004, 06:56 PM
ok i have got the first one for sure and tonight im havin a good rumage through me tunes so hold tight ill get it :thumbsup:
The others are familiar also but not sure if i have em???

3rd December 2004, 10:22 PM
knew i had it

Ben Chapman's Loop De Loop - Summer(full blog version)- De-construction
Cat no#PT44002

tune that i hadnt heard for ages :thumbsup: :)

7th December 2004, 10:28 AM
Cheers Ab :thumbsup: ..Pete will be chuffed! :)

8th December 2004, 07:52 PM
Cheers Ab :thumbsup: ..Pete will be chuffed! :)

I am chuffed! Thanks for the id.

Just dug out Summer of Love - Perfect day/Washiwaw (no more info as its a white)

Public thanks to noel for the freshtrax id as well.



9th December 2004, 03:05 PM
No worries Pete, glad I could return the favour ;) :thumbsup:

Thanx for the info on Summer of Love... tis a tune! phones:

Welcome to the board mate :wave: