View Full Version : x5 1992 id's please please please...

27th September 2004, 07:21 PM
Here goes,

5 rips from an old 92 tape that I thought had gone missing years & years ago :@ but I found yesterday whilst rummaging in my loft - in a bag, in a box, under a pile of blah blah blah...suffice to say, I was made up :mad:

So here goes, 5 tunes that I'd only ever heard on that tape but never in any clubs - mostly mad pianno stuff, an awesome breakbeat track, a Fabi Paras sounding track...(what happened to him - anyone know??)

Having thought I'd lost the tape, these are probably my most wanted :P so I'm waiting hopefully (& busting a gut in the meantime) on all you good folk out there...

accordian.mp3 ?
breakbeatpiano.mp3 ?
madpiano.mp3 ?
parasstyle.mp3 ?
ploddypiano.mp3 ?

Cheers guys an' gals :thumbsup: