View Full Version : 2 tune ids

21st September 2004, 10:33 PM
My friend has asked me to get a couple of tunes but i dont know what they are please help:

The first one she wrote: its a version of dirty cash, one that has tune to "you used to hold me" but has a girl singing "just can't get enough" over top.

and the second one says happiness is just round the bend, i know which one she means but dunno who its by or anything.

Thanks in advance

21st September 2004, 10:35 PM
the second one is brookly's poor and needy - happiness is just round the bend. If you need the label and cat no then I will get it you 2moro ( I am stuck in work at the mo)
The 1st one is a p1ss easy one, I just can't remember who does it at the moment DOH.
Someone will get it though

22nd September 2004, 12:27 AM
the second one could also be
Nu-Tekk - Happiness (It's A House Thang)
on oh-Zone Records
Has that sample in it:) :confused:

22nd September 2004, 09:52 AM
another possible for the second one m8!!!!

serious rope-hapiness(serious rope remix)

has samples of 'just keep moving, just keep grooving' took me ages to find this