View Full Version : Sasha and Digweed Essential mix ID Needed

16th September 2004, 07:31 PM
Hi there i have just been listening to a fairly recent Sasha and Digweed Essential mix(2004-05-09) which has a track i would like to try and i.d.
All i can tell you about the track is that in the lyrics i guy says"Attack the dancefloor like a bulldozer" and then says "i need freedom".
I know this isn't strictly oldskool but i am sure someone out there knows the tune.
Many thanks for any help given.

16th September 2004, 08:08 PM
Stereogen - Hi Q on Vinyl Addiction....

16th September 2004, 08:16 PM
Stereogen - Hi Q on Vinyl Addiction....
Anyone got this on mp3 or know where i can find it.

16th September 2004, 08:54 PM
ive got the mp3 of it here mate ..... :thumbsup: you on msn? if so i can wing it over on there ..... still lookin for it on vinyl myself :S every time i spy it on ebay its price gets too high due to 'renaissance classic' being in its title etc ... its from 1993 n'all .....

16th September 2004, 10:03 PM
ive got the mp3 of it here mate ..... :thumbsup: you on msn? if so i can wing it over on there ..... still lookin for it on vinyl myself :S every time i spy it on ebay its price gets too high due to 'renaissance classic' being in its title etc ... its from 1993 n'all .....
Sorry mate not on msn any other way of sending it to me.

21st September 2004, 06:27 PM
Sorry mate not on msn any other way of sending it to me.

i'll see if i can get it uploaded somewhere so you can download it mate ..... bare with me :thumbsup:

21st September 2004, 07:46 PM
Danny, ur not lookin hard enough, 'Hi-Q' is on the b-side to 'Resonance'. its here (http://music.gemm.com/ddc/search.pl?&disp_ad_format_mode=0&artist=STEREOGEN&TEREOGEN&&title=RESONANCE&TEREOGEN&) Was a Park Hall biggy :thumbsup:

22nd September 2004, 09:01 AM
I have this on vinyl, would consider swappage....

Floor Federation - MftM P2
Sublime - Sublime

or others can't think of yet....