View Full Version : Can you feel it ? 91 hardcore-ish

24th May 2002, 03:57 PM
Reeeeeet then lads & lasses - right gem here that I'd be eternally grateful if you can ID:

Starts with synth sounds sorta like the beginning to 2 unlimited "Get ready for this" thingy


Male vocals (shouted): "Can you feeeeeel it ?"
Female vocals "ah-ooh yeah!"
Break beats of the funkiest order with above vocals repeated

then kicks into down to

4/4 beat
synthy in a Euro-ish way
Female vocals along the lines of "Can you it ? Feel the energy - taking control of me..."

This is off a Park & Wilson @ Eclipse set (lol - yep - I'm sending you a copy Alan !) from 91

Does this ring any bells ?? I'd rip & up a sample but frankly I'm useless :crazy:

24th May 2002, 05:29 PM
pka - generate power unless im mistaken shooms

ste huxley
24th May 2002, 05:44 PM
Yeah thats the Rascal, also know as 'Powergen'.

24th May 2002, 05:50 PM
:$ I knew that of course .........
:) :axe:

25th May 2002, 03:53 PM
Nice one peeps :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Now all I gotta do is track the lil blighter down