View Full Version : White Details

20th August 2004, 04:19 PM
SIL- Windows
Sunscreen- Perfect Motion (Acapella)

Corinna(?)- Temptation
The Beat Club- Security (Instrumental)
The Beat Club- Security (Acapella)

Does anybody know this boot/white & the unknown?
It has like a guitar twang at the beginning & then some lyrics banging on about
'it is the whisper of unremitting demand'.
There are a lot of ooohs, ahaaas & come ons in the track & a sample that sounds like 'tune that you've never heard' in a pianoey bit. The melodic bit in the bit reminds me of the stabs in EQ- True Devotion. A very vague description, but somebody out there may have the same vinyl.
Thanks in advance.

22nd August 2004, 02:55 PM
Don't know the booty, but the track you describe sounds very much like DBM - 'Real Dream' off UMM records.

Top tune...:thumbsup: phones:


23rd August 2004, 10:32 AM
Cheers Mart- I'll check it out.