View Full Version : 2 old skool beauties - circa 90/91? id's please...

17th August 2004, 12:45 PM
Here's 2 top old skool tunes - caned almost everywhere, but I never found out what they were at the time - & yes, you guessed it, I haven't been able to find out since :(
help please all :thumbsup:

17th August 2004, 12:56 PM
11 - Irene Ortiz - My House

Good luck on getting this mate, took me 13 years to get a copy :|

17th August 2004, 02:08 PM
11 - Irene Ortiz - My House

Good luck on getting this mate, took me 13 years to get a copy :|

Irene Ortiz - top choon, bastard to find lol

Neil - you'd never make a sales man... you forgot to mention to DJ H that you've got the boot for sale here



17th August 2004, 02:22 PM
Yeah that no9 has been an Id of mine for a few years now as well so if you do get it Id'ed then post back please ;)

17th August 2004, 04:09 PM
I've got that No9, I can remember ID'ing it before. It's on Hi Bias I think, I'll try and remember to look for it tonight / tomorrow.

17th August 2004, 05:14 PM
I've got some of the Z Formation stuff on Hi Bias - hope you can dig this one out :mad:

17th August 2004, 07:01 PM
It's not on Hi Bias..

It's the SOMA-1 release, I.BO. is the name of the tune. Can't remember if its Slam or not as it doesn't say on the 12".

17th August 2004, 07:55 PM
Yeah I forgot someone did Id it for me but was very vauge & couldnt confirm (they just said "oh I think thats an early Soma track")
Any chance of an mp3 of it please as I cant find it no-where, no worries if its too much hassle though as I'll get it eventually.

18th August 2004, 10:58 AM
Neil - you'd never make a sales man... you forgot to mention to DJ H that you've got the boot for sale here

lol - oops :D ;)