View Full Version : 20,000 hardcore members

16th August 2004, 10:17 PM
I've got a copy of Messiah-20,000 hardcore members here on Kickin recs,but it aint the tune (or mix) I'm after.Does anyone no of any others mix's or tracks that used the vocal sample?The tune I'm after is on a Zone 92 tape,its hardcore but has a very uplifting break that was unexpected to me.Thanks all,

16th August 2004, 10:38 PM
this guy was selling it on vinyl..its in this list on the thread..u could contact him???? just a thought to help u out..


17th August 2004, 02:47 AM
What does it say in the run out grooves?

KICK 008 or KICK 024?

MESSIAH (http://www.discogs.com/artist/Messiah)

There's the NY remix 12" and the normal release :wave:

17th August 2004, 10:30 AM
that'll be jem 77 - can u dig it..

19th August 2004, 06:33 PM
I've got the Kick 8 release here.I'll try and sound out the Jem 77 track mentioned.If anyone has a clip they can put up it would be a massive help.I've tried Gemm and they haven't got the track and the others by Jem 77 are of a pretty fierce price range.Thanks for all contributions,any other suggestions welcomed too.I'll search for the other release on Kickin recs too

22nd August 2004, 12:11 PM
attached a small sample of jem77, if it's not that i think there's a few other tunes that sample that line..taken from the film the warriors btw :thumbsup:

23rd August 2004, 02:15 PM
Thats deffo the one one grad,thanks alot.If anyone is selling a copy of this please let me know.(I tried responding yesterday grad,it wouldn't let me reply for some reason)

23rd August 2004, 02:34 PM
no probs, I made the same mistake, thought it was the messiah track. I think that version there is the remix, but they're all on the same vinyl :thumbsup: