View Full Version : loadsa 90-94, ital, piano, US & old skool vocal

16th August 2004, 04:54 PM
:wave: Hi there to all you wise & wonderful...
a mixed bag here of 90 - 94 :turn:
some ital piano, some vocal, some pure gems, mixed with a few obscure UK & US?
some will be id'd instantly I've no doubt :$ but some may remain obscure :(
so here goes... :thumbsup:

16th August 2004, 05:03 PM
OLDSKOOL1 is DBM - Real Dream
OLDSKOOL Piano 1 is GYR-8 - Get Ready (I think)
Ital Piano 2 - could be one on Italian Style (same sample as Paleolitic) I'll have a scout

16th August 2004, 06:24 PM
Ital Piano 3 – Could be off the Rushin Roulette EP, called Feel Real..
Ive had this out recently so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find..he says..

Oldskoolpiano3 – its on Pigeon Pie records, La Camorra – Te Quiero I think its called..

16th August 2004, 06:36 PM
Oldskoolpiano3 ? its on Pigeon Pie records, La Camorra ? Te Quiero I think its called..
Deffo that one - was listening to it today...phones:

Jonno also spot on with Gyr-8 - Get Ready (aka Kelly G - 'Get Ready', depending which press)

The last but one is Helicopter - "Jamama" on Tic Tac Toe

