View Full Version : Please help with this one (i beg ya)

12th August 2004, 10:01 PM

I'm lookin' for this sweety already 8 years.
All i remember the song starts with something like:
"i need you, i need you" or "i mean you, i mean you" and then comes
the cut of this sentence with:
"a, a a, a a, a, a a, a a, i mean you" and in the chant i remember:
"two half hearts..." and then "i need you, i need you"
It's a very popular dance/pop anthem from the 80's if i'm not wrong.
please make your best to identify it and make me once and for all happy.

13th August 2004, 01:57 PM
dya have any more clues about it, it seems to ring a bell but only a very small bell, im thinking..........???

13th August 2004, 04:23 PM
space master - i need you ?? :confused: feck knows..

14th August 2004, 12:25 PM
I'm downloading this one right now.
This tune was sang by a female and the chant with another one.

14th August 2004, 01:25 PM
Sorry, it's not the one.
The tune i'm looking for is more happier.
The song style resembles a little bit the famous 80's song "She's a maniac".

25th February 2007, 11:06 AM
Stacey Q - Two of hearts
i imagine you already get this name somewhere after all this time