View Full Version : sasha/laurent garnier c. 1991

10th August 2004, 10:24 AM
If anyone gets this I will be amazed truly. Im after a copyt of an old mix tape i had years ago from sasha/laurent garnier @Eclipse or poss Rennaisence. Anyways it had 3 specific tunes on 1) Mariah Carey -Someday (Piano/acapella mix), M-People - Love you more (which I think was at the beg of shasha mix and shwan christopher - another sleepless night (silly rabbit rap girl mix) - all these were deffo on the on tape/mix. now i cant find it anywhere no one knows it, there are lots of other mixes from these guys around that time but none with the 3 specific tunes on. I have tried dreamwater and they dont know. anyone give me any ideas or remember it????


oldskooldazed (al)
10th August 2004, 10:38 AM
following sets and hundreds more can be found on soulseek - www.slsk.org


10th August 2004, 11:00 AM
Careful!! Use www.slsknet.org

not www.slsk.org as this has a dodgy spyware version of soulseek on...


13th August 2004, 03:27 PM
did you try Brady's Vinyl 4 Sale Site?

if not click here http://www.dreamwater.org/bradyman/ID-tracks.htm

there is at leat one set by those two listed, but without the tracks you mentioned. I s'pose you tried everything starts with an e too? thats got heaps of stuff from that era

good luck finding it :thumbsup: