View Full Version : "six days on the run.....

4th August 2004, 09:35 PM
lookin' for a place to have some fun"

them will be the lyrics i heard on an old ardcore cd....no tracklist...

any ideas??


4th August 2004, 09:41 PM
Intermission (http://www9.gemm.com/ddc/search.pl?&disp_ad_format_mode=0&artist=INTERMISSION&NTERMISSION&&title=6+DAYS&NTERMISSION&) :)

4th August 2004, 09:47 PM
cheers bisk.. :thumbsup: phones:

is there a currency converter on this gemm??? :S as i am crap!!! :(

4th August 2004, 10:26 PM
ooohh.. its bin cheeky trax'd...ill have to get both!!!!

any one got??

cheers :thumbsup:

4th August 2004, 10:46 PM
cheers bisk.. :thumbsup: phones:

is there a currency converter on this gemm??? :S as i am crap!!! :(

Click on the bit where it says other curencies jammii fella and it gives you a list of all the other currencies.There`s a picture below.



4th August 2004, 10:49 PM
lol!!! cheers for that!!!

4th August 2004, 11:14 PM
HANG ON......

Wasnt this somebody like Jimmy J and Cru-L-T?........ The Intermission one is the one they robbed the pella off, its an italian track from about late 93/94.

The happy hardcore one was by somebody else I reckon. Infact I have it on a Jumpin' n ' Pumpin' double pack I think, however I desperately need to get to bed so I cant look till tomorrow night.

It is Happy hardcore youre after isnt it?.....which one are you looking for, the italian or hardcore version?

See ya


5th August 2004, 01:07 AM
If it is the happy hardcore version you are after m8 Sirus is correct, it is Jimmy J and Cru-lt - Six Days on Knite Force Records.
Sold absolute skip loads of em years ago lol.

Stuck in Aahz
5th August 2004, 02:07 AM
It's also available on this: Happy Anthems vol 2 (http://www.discogs.com/release/97914)

Double pack various that has loads of other classic happy hardcore from that era. I have a copy if your interested.

5th August 2004, 12:02 PM
how much for SIA??

cheers everyone! :thumbsup:

5th August 2004, 12:06 PM
6 Days - Jimmy J & Cru-L-T, on Kniteforce Records.

Was also re-mixed by DJ Brisk on Remix Records. This is the mix Stu Allen used to hammer on Key 103 and at Club Kinetic in 1995.

5th August 2004, 02:20 PM
Yeah if it's the happy hardcore style version your after.....starts with a crackin oldskool break.....then drops into the vocal.....

Then starts with a piano......top top tune......

It is infact the brisk remix of the JIMMY J & CRU L T



5th August 2004, 02:30 PM
It is infact the brisk remix of the JIMMY J & CRU L T



We are both right with the record label, as it is in fact a joint partnership between Kniteforce & Remix Records. :thumbsup:

5th August 2004, 02:31 PM

I was just told to get the KNITEFORCE release as it defo had the piano mix I wanted on it....

top tune !


5th August 2004, 04:53 PM
there is a wants. in wants about my wants for this. cheers people!!! it be a great choon.. and it was id quickly...noice!! :thumbsup:

6th August 2004, 02:22 AM
There is another happycore using that pella

Its called going crazy and i think its by bass generator or summit

Ill find out the name cos it was played as much as the Jimmy J / Crult one


6th August 2004, 02:40 AM
There is another happycore using that pella

Its called going crazy and i think its by bass generator or summit

Ill find out the name cos it was played as much as the Jimmy J / Crult one


Zoneraver..Nice to see you on the board again :thumbsup:

6th August 2004, 10:09 AM
There is another happycore using that pella

Its called going crazy and i think its by bass generator or summit

Ill find out the name cos it was played as much as the Jimmy J / Crult one


Going Crazy - Rave Nation. (I think it was on Baby Boom Records. I've got it at home so I'll check, but I'm at work at the moment.)

It was hammered around 1995 - 1996. Still prefered the Brisk remix of 6 Days though! :thumbsup: