View Full Version : Italian/Euro tunes ID'd please!

19th July 2004, 09:35 PM
Hi there,

I've put some mp3's for you guys to hopefully use all your talents and ID for me please.

Maybe they're a little bit different to normal - and the sound quality isn't great, but hopefully you can tell me what they are! Italian/Euro style - and quite quick! PLayed on a tape by Paddy Frazer - anyone know him?

They are at this address: http://www.xentek.co.uk/ where i've made a page to hold them.

Thanks in advance!


19th July 2004, 11:08 PM
Although I don't know him personally, paddy lives (or lived in Edinburgh) and was a resident DJ at the meltdown nights in the Calton Studios, used to see him pop into my local record shop years back (drastic plastic) oh and he used to work for a brewery as well summit like scottish and newcastle cos he used to pop in with his uniform on! :roll:


19th July 2004, 11:10 PM
Just opened your samples and Ive got this tape kicking around somewhere :thumbsup:

I think he luved his tunes at +8 LOL

19th July 2004, 11:17 PM
Yeah, sounds about right. The Tape is called 'Kicking into summer '94' - it's a classic!

He also played some Italian sets on Tom Wilson's bonus beats - long shot, but if anyone has any of those taped, contact me please!

20th July 2004, 01:15 AM
tune2 = Maya - Music

tune4 = Deely B. Dine - Love Me Hold Me


know the other 2 but cant think 4 the life of me

20th July 2004, 06:02 PM
thanks for the help so far :)

i've added more just now.... tune5 -> tune11, sorry if I'm pushing it a bit! http://www.xentek.co.uk/

Lionel, get the thinking cap on!!! You're the only person who seems to know anything about 1 and 3! Cheers!

Thanks all!

20th July 2004, 07:36 PM
Tune 6: Inside Out "Keep On Dancing"
Tune 5: TFO "Magic"
Tune 9: One Nation "Just High"
Tune 10: Positive Division "Got To Move"

I think Tune 7 is DJ Dado "Face It" but can't remember.

20th July 2004, 07:51 PM
7 is dado - face it

8 - Maximum spell - love to love

20th July 2004, 07:54 PM
1 - good 4 us - love & understanding

20th July 2004, 08:05 PM
Excellent folks thanks a lot indeed! Keep them coming - only Tune11 to get!

Anyone got these on Soulseek plz until I can source them on vinyl? Might take me a while, damn rare these!


20th July 2004, 08:17 PM
...and tune3 hasn't been id'd either - I'm just an idiot :D
