View Full Version : Only if i had one more?

15th May 2002, 03:29 AM
dunno if ive asked this b4 but here goes...

a while ago there was a VS tune out , Pulse VS Dye Witness - only if i had one more lover or wotever

the lyrics "only if i had one more" etc etc (dunno the rest) :P
i remember hearing on an old tape, maybe a Back In Time?

only this was slower, and had lots more lyrics
i remember "were hangin from the roof.... and were criminals" then it dropped into the main break for a bit, then next verse again

any ideas please? been doin my head in for a while now :axe: :axe: :axe:

15th May 2002, 10:05 AM
Theres that many tunes using that "only if i had one more" bit from dyewitness

Ive got what sounds like a 93/94 tune with that sample in it.Its also slowed down so it doesnt sound like pinky & Perky

It also has a women singing the chorus saying "Let the music take control..lets your juices move and groove" or summit like that

Is this the version?

If it aint anyone else ID this one?

Ben, you should recognise it on the last Night at sequins tape



15th May 2002, 09:54 PM
from wot i remember its more like

young mc - know how
king bee - dope demand

kind of thing
dont remember any woman vocals on it

all i properly remember is the line b4 the main breaks

were hangin from the roof,.... and were criminals

but it had lyrics all the way thru

im sure it was on a Back In Time tape

cheers anyway

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

16th May 2002, 12:29 PM
i got the mp3 of it if u want it , i think it same one ur on about not so sure ,, i got it off a dj called riksi my brothers m8 he used play it at maximes alot
and also the pulse vs dye witness the lover that you are ....