View Full Version : 6 chilled/deep track id's

6th July 2004, 10:26 AM
Ok this time it's from a mixtape I've got called 'Milan Ambient - recorded live by DJ Claudio July '93'
However it's more like ambient house (a couple are really deep) as most tracks have beats.

all 717KB files, 1 min long samples
(if this is too big for some folk and is detering you from listening please let me know)

milan_ambient1.mp3 (http://www.aqtp28.dsl.pipex.com/track_ids/milan_ambient1.mp3) could be The Orb?
milan_ambient2.mp3 (http://www.aqtp28.dsl.pipex.com/track_ids/milan_ambient2.mp3)
milan_ambient3.mp3 (http://www.aqtp28.dsl.pipex.com/track_ids/milan_ambient3.mp3)
milan_ambient4.mp3 (http://www.aqtp28.dsl.pipex.com/track_ids/milan_ambient4.mp3)
milan_ambient5.mp3 (http://www.aqtp28.dsl.pipex.com/track_ids/milan_ambient5.mp3)
milan_ambient6.mp3 (http://www.aqtp28.dsl.pipex.com/track_ids/milan_ambient6.mp3)

As ever, eternal thanks for any help.

6th July 2004, 07:08 PM
bugger I forgot to post the link to the last one as well, doh!

milan_ambient7.mp3 (http://www.aqtp28.dsl.pipex.com/track_ids/milan_ambient7.mp3)

ID'ed from elsewhere:
milan_ambient1 is the Irresistible Force from Flying High lp
milan_ambient4 is a track from UFOrb
milan_ambient6 is a track from UFOrb

7th July 2004, 01:39 PM
Had a listen dude, but don't know any of the titles - have defo heard the last couple before, an they aren't disimilar in style to some of the more downtempo stuff that a lot of the prog jocks warmed up with circa 93 - maybe worth reposting em under a diff title!

pauly p
8th July 2004, 08:52 AM
ambient1 is Irresistable force - Flying high (Rising high double pack thingy from 1992). 4 classic 10 minute tracks :)