View Full Version : '91 House track "call my name"

6th July 2004, 03:45 AM
pumping house with female shouting "call my name" & the voice sample "we're lost in music" any ideas ????

6th July 2004, 09:07 AM
Hi Jerome :)

Does it have also the lyrics: 'This is Angel of Love' ?

If yes, it's Jo Smith - Angel Of Love on UMM:)

6th July 2004, 07:26 PM
Merci 4 ur quick answer Eric Bunker mate !!!!! ;) it sounds like it could be the one .... let me have another listen & i 'll u know if i hear this sample also !!!!
Also, if u have chance, I've just submitted few track on Discogs (& re-submitted that Jade 4u white also !) :)

6th July 2004, 08:40 PM
No prob mate :D

I shall take a look at them, problem is the mod area is changed so I can't easily select you, but I shall do my best for you, you know that :wave:

6th July 2004, 09:01 PM
thank u BunkerheadZ U ARE A STAR !!!! if anyone was as helpful as U on the net !!!!
about this "call my name" track, I don't hear this sample u said !!!! could it be another track ...... LOVE & SAS (call my name) on Bmg ???

6th July 2004, 09:09 PM
Dunno, I don't know that one :(

Anyway, if you see that Jo Smith, BUY IT!!!!! :P

6th July 2004, 09:10 PM
and no thanx again, jus' helping out another fella :mad: ;)