View Full Version : 3 IDs (Early 90s Sasha Vertigo Nipper Classics)

DJ Positive
5th July 2004, 05:15 PM
Can anyone help me put names to these three tunes

Finally able to record sound on my computer, so here you go

5th July 2004, 05:24 PM
Definetly got the first one on a bootleg somewhere. Trying to remember what other tunes are on it?!?!?

Let you know if no one id's before then. At least if you know other tunes off booty, may be easier to find.

5th July 2004, 05:25 PM
1 is 6 train off the works of atreus ep by moodswings

2 is real dream by DBM on UMM - choon :heart:

dunno 3 :(

DJ Positive
5th July 2004, 05:42 PM
Thanks very much for the replies. Fast work!

all of these have been recorded of boots

Shooms - thanks for those iDs - you know your stuff mate! 2 is a wicked tune.

GavinH - unknown1 comes from a boot with Espiral - Dunne, Blow - Cutter, Genaside II - Narra Mine

I reckon that unknown 3 could be by Georgie Porgie - and called Do You Remember?

Can anyone confirm or disprove this?

5th July 2004, 11:25 PM
Thanks very much for the replies. Fast work!

all of these have been recorded of boots

Shooms - thanks for those iDs - you know your stuff mate! 2 is a wicked tune.

GavinH - unknown1 comes from a boot with Espiral - Dunne, Blow - Cutter, Genaside II - Narra Mine

I reckon that unknown 3 could be by Georgie Porgie - and called Do You Remember?

Can anyone confirm or disprove this?

it certainly sounds like georgie porgie to me...cant confirm tho