View Full Version : Another one from Bowlers

9th May 2002, 12:15 PM
Reet, another one for ya's:

YUsed to be played at Bowlers, top rushing piano with the lyrics sounding like "E to the I to the next E to the I, E to the I to the next is an E" I know this aint right but its doin me nut in. Doers anyone know the tune and the lyrics?

9th May 2002, 12:25 PM
Please mate, Its one of those tunes you've listened to for years but its started pecking at me head!!!

9th May 2002, 12:26 PM
Yeah, i'm 99% sure that'll be it :)

Not heard this for ages :(

Yop Tunage none the less :)


9th May 2002, 12:28 PM
Must be, I'll check when I hear it again. AFter she says the Next is the E bit, she starts singing 'i Feeli it, I feel it now' (Might be now, summith like that anyway)

Anyone know what she's saying before Next is the E????

9th May 2002, 12:34 PM
If This Is It (http://www.stormtronic.co.uk/newuploads/Francis/NextIsTheE.mp3) then it's Moby :)


9th May 2002, 12:36 PM
Cheers fella, I'll check later on as I m on a dodgy work pc with no soundcard at the mo!!

9th May 2002, 12:39 PM
but you forgot the all importANT


I love that bit i do

the whole bloody bowlers crowd use to stop dancin and
do a spinback action :axe: 'mad'

9th May 2002, 03:49 PM
fek me id forgotten all about this little rasper!!

nice 1 pacman n skippy mate if ya could sort us with a rip aswel then il b a chuffed little chuffer on chuffin rock :D

9th May 2002, 03:50 PM
o n nice 1 to francis aswel for sortin out a little snippit - nice touch fella

9th May 2002, 04:23 PM
this one holds real memory's from bowlers for me

cos it always played when i went on a walk from the front stage area to the back of the main hall

for some reason

it blew your tits off

so i used to try and make that walk 3/4 times a night

it took me 6 years to track the fecker
I got 4/5 copies to make up for it
and sold a couple

but i've not dug it out in a while, as i can't find the bloody things

their hiding I tell ya.........................

Cheers francis for the upload

9th May 2002, 06:02 PM
It's Moby , Next is the E ..(I feel It) .

9th May 2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by R J
It's Moby , Next is the E ..(I feel It) .

Rick, is thousand on the same record?


9th May 2002, 07:03 PM
Cheers Francis mate, just listened and thats the one.

Its like a Bowlers memory machine that one, fekkin tuuuuuune. If any of the fellas playing at GT could find room in their set for it, I reckon it'd be a STORMER!!!!!!

9th May 2002, 09:04 PM
Lolol, fukkin choon :thumbsup:

Was played at GT not long back :D Big respect to whoever wrestled him onto the decks ;)

11th May 2002, 07:07 PM
Was played at GT not long back Big respect to whoever wrestled him onto the decks

Guilty as charged ;)