View Full Version : unkown early 90's oldskooler

14th June 2004, 03:45 PM
Hi everybody

Looking for this tune. Does anybody know it? Sounds like a bootleg but I'm not sure...

Help appreciated. Thanx! :mad:

14th June 2004, 05:55 PM
The main tune is Terragon - Party (Club Mix) - Tesseract Records but even that seems to have been fecked with. Mind you I cant be positive how much it has been fecked with cos the only mp3 I have found so far is 2 mins long and ripped from a mix so maybe Party does change up riffs etc later on, like in your clip.

:) :) :)

15th June 2004, 07:39 AM
Ah, Terragon rings a bell. That must be it. Will check that record...

A BIG :thumbsup: from holland! Thanks!